- Refer to C/C++/Mql VeriSig example at https://github.com/fintechees/Expert-Advisor-Studio/tree/master/EA/Plugin-for-MQL/testverisig.cpp .
- Add the source codes associated to VeriSig to your source codes.
- Access Fintechee.io inventory for seller to generate public/private key pair(Only the public key will be displayed).
- Replace the value of APPLICATION_PUBLIC_KEY with the public key that you generated.
- Download C/C++/Mql compiler from https://github.com/fintechees/Expert-Advisor-Cpp-Compiler and compile your source codes at Fintechee.com/web-trader .
- Upload the compiled files(js, wasm) and the guide(txt) to Fintechee.io inventory for seller and then create a product at Fintechee.io seller dashboad.
- Fintechee reviews your product details and approves listing your product.